…trust the place to form the voice… Susan Howe (b. 1937) American poet Dear Friend, We share with you here some beautiful art and writing from the 6-week virtual winter/spring gathering of the nature-inspired writing program, Remembering Our Place in the Sacred Circle of Life. Participants came together from Connecticut, New York, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Washington, California, Alaska, and Hawaii. Together, we explored how deepening our relationship with the natural world, especially through the lens of curiosity and gratitude, can inspire creativity and a new knowing. Over the weeks, we welcomed the spectrum of sensations that accompanied our personal forays in nature. We made offerings to the land, saw familiar places with new eyes, contemplated poems and essays, and recalled our timeless connection to place, Each week, we wrote together and held space for the expressions of remembering that arose, which included the depths of grief and the heights of ecstatic joy. From my heart to yours, Christina Burress Board Member, OMEC
The majestic elephant begins as a vulnerable large baby, vulnerable yes, and even delicate. Finding herself alone in the vastness she cries out, calls her mama, but there is no call back. When found and saved she needs to be comforted by blankets both physically and spiritually. Her care takers are compassionate, calming and unrushed. They except that baby has had trauma and needs them to show gentleness and mothering care. Painting & words by Bean Corcoran
No Place I'd Rather Be by Leah Naomi “There’s no place I’d rather be Than on my surfboard in the sea” Looking back at high peaks covered in lush greens Thankful for rainfall that nourishes plants and trees Surrounded by crystal clear, blue, turquoise pales Home to my friends the turtles, mantas and whales Close enough to see colorful coral reef and fish swimming Above enough not to touch sharp jagged edges, unforgiving Skin cooled by breeze and warmed by sun Patiently waiting for my wave, for the fun “There’s no place I’d rather be Than on my surfboard in the sea” * Written March 2023 after a surf session at breakwall, Lahaina, Maui, HI ** Quoted lines from Disney’s Lilo & Stitch soundtrack, Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride song, By Kamehameha Schools Children's Chorus and Mark Kealiʻi Hoʻomalu) Comments are closed.
January 2025
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