The harvest season offers us many gifts—from beauty to wonder to cycles of completion. And while there are many more gifts that we could explore together, I’m most in awe of these three in particular. For this reflection, I will meander through the qualities residing within each of these gifts to express the deep gratitude I have for this special time of year. Beauty: September in the northeast brings in fewer warm days and calls in cooler nights. The leaves begin their great turning from green to red, orange, yellow, and brown. Orchards bear bountiful fruit. A pull to slow down and settle in takes over. I steep in the comfort of a warm bonfire or cozy sweatshirt. Nature’s changing landscape wraps around me, offering a tender embrace. During the day, I get lost in the vibrant, blue hues of the sky. And as night moves in, I connect with the shining stars no longer eclipsed by the haze of summer. Out in the forest, I see nature’s creatures busy at work. Some are putting up stores for the winter while others are building warm dens for the cold months ahead or preparing to enter their mating cycle. Massive trees drop pine cones from their branches. The local streams begin to chill. The beauty cracks open my heart. Wonder: This September is full of blessings and ripe with magic. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, we will experience 10 different meteor showers, a full Harvest Moon, and the Autumnal Equinox on the 22nd. We will also move into the beginning of the trecena of Tz'ikin on the 20th. A trecena is a 13-day period (considered a week) in the Mayan calendar. While each day of the Mayan calendar has its own energy or sign, the first day of the trecena sets the tone for the entire week. The energy of that first day reverberates into the 12 days that follow. Tz’ikin is the energy of the Eagle. It is the great winged one that soars to the greatest of heights on wings as wide as the sky. Tz’ikin is the all-seeing, taking in views from the highest of summits and peaks. It takes in dreams, inspirations, and imaginings. It sees with keen vision all that is and all that can be. Tz'ikin is connected with the west during this cycle, which is associated with autumn in many traditions. The wonder of these magical moments this September leave me in awe. Completion: I see the harvest season as a time of completion. While the last vestiges of summer life are coming to a close, a different kind of life is beginning. The joyful exertion of the past months come to fruition. Hard days of working in the heat come to an end. Bounty lands on the table and is stored in the pantry. Life does not stop with the onset of cooler months. It just changes form. It ebbs and flows with its own pace and rhythm, shifting from fast to slow. We complete yet another cycle. This completion causes me to pause and reflect on my journey so far. I invite you to consider what gifts the harvest season offers you and to explore the programs available through the Olympic Mountain EarthWisdom Circle (OMEC). An upcoming nature-inspired writing workshop begins in October and provides a creative outlet to explore and express your relationship with nature. Each of OMEC’s programs support us in building a sacred and responsible relationship with the Earth, opening us to nature’s beauty, wonder, and cycles of completion within ourselves and beyond. I hope this harvest season fills your heart as much as it does mine. From my Heart to Yours, Christopher T. Franza OMEC Board of Directors |
January 2025
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